Infinity: Salvora Technopole Scenery Expansion Pack
This double-sided 3mm printed cardboard Scenery Pack includes an Objective Room, two small buildings, a sniper tower, a console, two bridges, two staircases, an inner ladder, an inner walkway and a paper gaming mat (24″ x 32″).
2 Small Buildings (2 Different Designs Each)
‣ 1 Cultural Innovation Center / Permanent Court of Arbitration
‣ 1 Int’l Chamber of Commerce Delegation / Academy of Int’l Law
2 Bridges
2 Staircases
1 Console
1 Sniper Tower (2 Different Designs)
‣ Planetary Science Center / Transetherea Operations Building
1 Objective Room (Advanced Projects Design Center)
1 Inner Ladder
1 Inner Walkway
1 Paper Gaming Mat (60x80cm / 24×32″)