Blood & Plunder: Compagnies Franches de la Marine
Technically raised as part of the Naval administration, these French regular troops were recruited for defense of France’s growing Colonial territories. Many would be sent for service in the West Indies, but 28 Compagnies were sent to New France. Their official uniforms comprised a grey woolen coat, lined blue and with blue cuffs, brass buttons, blue small clothes (breeches and waistcoats), and a broad brimmed black felt hat. Once in Canada, unless on guard duty, they rapidly adapted their dress to the climate; fur hats or stocking caps, long blue overcoats or shorter Canadian Capotes (usually grey/white), mitasses, and boots or even moccasins. They adapted their tactics to match those of their Native American allies, and could skirmish as well as fight in the European close formation style; soon they were among the most effective bush fighters on the continent.