Middle-Earth SBG: The Hobbit – Dwarves Profile Cards
This is a handy set of 55 cards containing profiles, and army bonus rules for the following armies: Thorin’s Company, Army of Thror, Erebor Reclaimed and The Iron Hills.
– 4 army bonus cards for the following armies: Thorin’s Company, Army of Thror, Erebor Reclaimed and The Iron Hills
– 15 profile cards for the army of Thorin’s Company
– 9 profile cards for the Army of Thror
– 13 profile cards for the army of Erebor Reclaimed
– 8 profile cards for the army of The Iron Hills.
– 1 profile card for Thrain the Broken (The Wanderers in the Wild)
– 5 blank profile cards for you to create your own heroes
You will need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game rules manual and the Armies of The Hobbitâ„¢ to use the contents of this pack.