Pass the Pigs
THE ORIGINAL PIG-TASTIC GAME: When Pass The Pigs was first designed back in the 1970’s it was called Pigmania. The name was officially changed to Pass The Pigs in the 1980’s – but the irreverent gameplay has never changed!
HOW TO PLAY: Love rolling dice? Then pick up the fabulous little swines and give them a throw. You’ll score points based on how they land. Siders, Trotters, Razorbacks, Snouters – or maybe even odds-defying Leaning Jowler!
HOW TO WIN: All you have to do is keep pressing your luck – without rolling Oinkers or Pig Outs – and be the first player to score all the way to 100! It’s fun to roll but you have to know when to stop and Pass The Pigs or you’ll Pig out!
LEARN: While Pass The Pigs is a wonderful party game, it is also used as a learning tool for probability and statistics in many Math classrooms in the US!
THE PIGS FAMILY: If you love Pass The Pigs like the more than 30 million people who have bought the game already – then you should also try Pass The Pigs: Pig Party and Pass The Pigs: Big Pigs!
“Sider – The pig is lying on its side 1 Point. Razorback – The pig is lying on its back 5 Points. Trotter – The pig is upright 5 Points. Snouter – The pig is leaning on its snout 10 Points. Leaning Jowler – The pig is on its snout and ear 15 Points.”