Terraforming Mars: Utopia & Cimmeria Expansion
Expand Your Horizons!
Take your adventure to the lava plains of the North or the highlands of the South! Each map depicts a new region of Mars, with new placement bonuses, ocean areas, and new sets of milestones and awards.
 Utopia is a lava plain located north-west of Elysium and belongs to the northern lowlands – it’s also the largest recognized impact crater in the entire Solar System! Mineral-rich lava can be made into fertile soil, motivating the plentiful plant bonuses away from the equator. To the south it borders on the Great Escarpment along the edge of the southern highlands The thin crust closer to the North Pole could e a suitable spot for geothermal energy plants. Gain 2 extra cards for settling the prestigious Viking 2 or Beagle 2 landing sites!
  • Manager: 3 special tiles in play
  • Pioneer: 3 colonies in play
  • Trader: 3 different types of resources on cards
  • Metallurgist: 6 steel production and titanium production combined
  • Researcher: 4 science tags
  • Suburbian: Most tiles along the border of the map
  • Investor: Most Earth tags
  • Botanist: Highest plant production
  • Incorporator: Most cards played with a cost of 10 M€ or less
  • Metropolist: Most city tiles
 Terra Cimmeria is a densely cratered highland region on Mars’ southern hemisphere, half way to the south pole, east of the Hellas basin. This is the best place on the planet for finding steel and titanium! The whole region shows signs of shorelines and water erosion from liquid water formerly flowing abundantly through the southern highlands. However, the lowlands suitable for oceans in the present day are located along the edge of this region. Placing a tile where the Curiosity rover explored the are around the Gale crater places a colony for 5 M€ (ignore if not playing with Colonies).
  • Planetologist: 2 earth tags, 2 Venus tags, 2 Jovian tags
  • Architect: 3 city tags
  • Coastguard: 3 tiles adjacent to ocean
  • Forester: 3 plant production
  • Fundraiser: 12 M€ production
  • Electrician: Most power tags
  • Founder: Most tiles adjacent to special tiles
  • Mogul: Highest total production of all resources except M€
  • Zoologist: Most animal and microbe resources
  • Forecaster: Most played card with requirements
1 Double-sided Map