The Long Night at the Spur – a western(ish) siege one-shot adventure for 5e
Can you and your party help an elderly orc rancher defend is ranch?
Level 10 One Shot
3-6 hours of session time.
Adventure background
The Long Night at The Spur is a high fantasy / western micro-setting and siege scenario, one shot adventure. Includes a short siege where your players can help an elderly orc rancher defend his ranch as well as a dozen locations to give you inspiration for your own adventures.
20 page A5 booklet
A host of interesting NPCs.
2 New magical items.
Game includes:
Introduction and Adventure Synopsis
Location descriptions and a map of the spur.
The Long Night at the Spur – A Siege Scenario
Orok’s Compound
Appendix A – magic items
Appendix B – NPC stats
Appendix C – Boompowder Weaponry
OGL version 1.0a
The Long Night at The Spur is a one shot adventure written by Tim Roberts, an independent games creator.