Warmachine: Khador – Berserker / Mad Dog / Rager
Berserker/Mad Dog/Rager Warjack Khador Warmachine Miniatures Game Privateer Press
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly is required.
Additional miniatures and rule books are required to play Warmachine
Includes 1 miniature.
Miniatures made of Plastic.
PIP33106 Berserker/Mad Dog/Rager Warjack Khador Warmachine Miniatures Game Privateer Press
Soon after the first Berserkers proved their worth in battle, hacking into infantry with their twin axes, the Khadoran High Kommand borrowed its chassis to develop other equally brutal machines. With the Mad Dog trampling forward to crush enemies with bloodthirsty glee and the shield-bearing Rager standing firm as an imposing eight-ton bodyguard, these warjacks are far from obsolete on the modern battlefield.
This box contains all the parts necessary to assemble 1 Berserker, 1 Mad Dog, OR 1 Rager Heavy Warjack, plus a color stat cards and a plastic base.